By a stroke of luck, I've owned this domain for almost two decades now, and my always supportive wife has convinced me to start sharing a little bit of what I know before it's too late - either due to old age, or simply losing the vast majority of my marbles and not being able to find them. As part of this journey, I've embarked on a few things: started a business, started doing more freelance work to keep things interesting, and transferring what little I have learned to my clones so that they can be better than I was.
On this site you are going to see a few things - some 'heads up' business related material, some material on freelance work, and also material on what I call 'Raising a Technologist'. Part of my passion in life is technology, as it's always come easy for me, so this category will focus on what I am teaching my clones. Use it or not, it's what I am teaching them, when we have time between moments in life.
Enjoy, be kind, and be well.